
The documentation for MPMAS version 4 is currently under revision and will be published here soon.

The following supporting documents are available for download:

User manuals for older versions of the  MPMAS software package:

Berger, T. and P. Schreinemachers. 2012. Mathematical Programming-based Multi-Agent Systems (MPMAS). Technical model documentation. Version 3.0 (November 2012), Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim, pp.59.

Troost, C. 2014. MpmasQL 2.52 - Using MPMAS with the MpmasQL toolbox. User manual and reference. Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim, pp. 168.

Model documentation for specific MPMAS applications

Germany: Central Swabian Jura

Troost, C. 2014. MPMAS Central Swabian Jura (Version 3.1) - Model Documentation, Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim, pp. 97.

Troost, C. 2014. Agent-based modeling of climate change adaptation in agriculture: a case study in the Central Swabian Jura. Stuttgart, University of Hohenheim, Univ. Diss., pp. 280.

Schreinemachers, P., A. Sirijinda, C. Potchanasin, T. Berger, and S. Praneetvatakul. 2009. An agent-based land use model of the Mae Sa watershed area, Thailand. Detailed model documentation. MPMAS Version 2.0—THA205 (February 2009), Stuttgart: University of Hohenheim and Bangkok: Kasetsart University, pp.71.
Uganda 1
Schreinemachers, P. 2006. The (ir)relevance of the crop yield gap concept to food security in developing countries. With an application of multi-agent modeling to farming systems in Uganda. Göttingen: Cuvillier Verlag, pp.207.
Uganda 2
Latynskiy, E. 2014. Agent-based simulation modeling for analysis and support of rural producer organizations in agriculture. Stuttgart: OPUS Hohenheim, pp.251.